Master’s Academy 2022

Five days, one group, nine people = fun time. This group was organized by a couple different people and the main person I had contact with was Arthur from Liberty. He had convinced the entire group that they all started at Nashoba Valley where I started. He had me convinced for a little while as well. Mike was also another character who is going on the trip to Interski as a delegate with his lovely wife.

We spent a lot of time working on aligning to our outside ski. I had them do some outside ski turns with leaving their inside ski tip on the snow. Then we added dragging our poles. Next, we took away the inside ski pole and only dragged the outside ski pole from the apex on. The reason why to drag the outside ski pole is it will cause people to angulate at their hips and a little at their knee. It makes getting out of the old turn easier because you have to move your center of mass from inside the turn to more over your base of support, laterally.

We had a fun time in this group. Arthur loved doing bumps. We had some other great skiers like Tish who was coming back from an injury and very tall Chris whose ski poles were like “stilts.” We all learned a lot and had a great time. It snowed on the last day and people wanted to get on the road early. I skied with John and Tim and we skied powder on Superstar! That was so fun. People were exploding right and left. It looked like a grenade had gone off with ski equipment everywhere. It was good fun and wicked cool! I had to use the New England expression.


Regional Team Selection - Taos, NM


Mini Academy 2022