Filming with CARV

In January 2022, I had an opportunity to film some ski tips with CARV. If you are unfamiliar with that product, it is a digital ski coach which consists of insoles and a bluetooth tracker. You connect those hardware pieces to your phone and voila you are playing the game of “CARV.”

I did 3 ski tips for them. One was on skiing in the trees. Another was using this outside ski pressure monitor that is a feature in CARV. Finally, I did a tip about skiing in whiteout or flat light conditions.

Here is what I found interesting. First off, my cameraman, Tim Sanderson, is an incredible skier. He is a former professional park skier and I was impressed with his ability to ski switch, keep me in the frame, and not crash into anything.

Second, filming is not easy. You have to hit the mark where and when it counts. This is what I love about it. It is such a challenge and you have to think through the puzzle, visualize what you are going to do, and then execute it. I almost took out the still photographer, Aiden, once. It was close and I scared him a bit.

Finally, I got more comfortable in front of the camera the more I practiced and worked with these guys. Working and speaking on camera is a learned skill. I am not very good at it. However, things that I am not very good at, I always want to get better at. Thus, I jump at the opportunity to practice.

I am excited to see my tips and see what happens with this technology.


PSIA-RM Rocky Mountain Academy


Eldora - TTP - Clinic-palooza