Eldora - TTP - Clinic-palooza

Right after the “Holidaze” rush, I headed to Eldora Mountain. This is the local mountain close to Boulder, CO. I have never been there. First story is that I left my home in Snowmass Village at 7 pm. It was not even snowing. However, when I got to Vail pass and the Eisenhower Tunnel, it was a full on blizzard. I couldn’t even see the road at times. I arrived to Nederland at 2 am!

George Thomas, from the PSIA-AASI First Chair Podcast, was the training manager at Eldora. He had told me about the week after the Holidays they hold something they call, “Clinic Palooza.” It is a week of clinics. So I headed down for two days.

It. Was. Awesome. On the first day, I was late because we were sitting in traffic for about 30 minutes. The access road was closed because they needed to plow the parking lots. Once we got moving again, I parked and frantically put on my gear. I picked up my group and one woman in it whose name is Lynn, turned out to be my fellow teammate’s (Zoe Mavis’) mom. She was so much fun to ski with and was hungry to learn. I love students like that. We skied powder and bumps all day.

I also had an opportunity to ski with Dave Belin. Dave is one of the smartest people I know in the ski biz. He works for RRC Associates, a consulting firm out of Boulder that does all the ski industry metrics. Thus, if you want to know something about the industry, Dave has the numbers.

We skied around the two days and Eldora is a cool mountain. It also gets a lot of wind!

I did make a run down Windmill. This was the run that my friend, Ron LeMaster, passed away on in late November. It was bittersweet.

Eldora is a cool mountain and I can’t wait to go there again.


Filming with CARV


Masters’ Academy