MSM stands for Member School Management. There were snowsports directors, people on the path of Rocky Mountain Trainer (RMT), and other Level 2s and Level 3s who are leaders in their respective schools.

This was the first clinic where a PSIA member has paid to ski with me (as a National Team Member)! I had a group day 1 and then the Freestyle group on Day 2.

More on Day 1. I had trainers from Breckenridge, Powderhorn, Snowmass, Vail, and Beaver Creek in my group. I asked the group what they wanted to focus on and many of them wanted some feedback. It was also their first day on snow. Now, I am somewhat sensitive to feedback on the first day on snow. This is mainly due to my own bias that I want some time to remember how to do this. Others in the group wanted a focus and wanted to improve. Thus, I set up some external cue exercises so the participants could be in the “driver” seat as to what type of feedback they needed. Yes, we did do some synchro skiing and not because I did it at team training. I used it so the follower couldn’t make his or her turn. They were forced to make choices and decisions on the fly. Then I used another external cue which focused on upper/lower body separation. One participant liked the exercise and focused more on the fore/aft component. She said that she felt more, “offensive versus defensive” on the runs following. I used our exercises to bring their attention to changes in the PSIA-RM certification process as well as highlighting people and teaching skills fundamentals.

They told me they had a terrific day. I look back on it and think about what worked well and what I can improve. I believe that people want feedback from a National Team Member because they might not get an opportunity to ski with that team member again. Thus, I am working on trying to get a glimpse of everyone’s skiing on the first run so I am prepared.

The other thing I am thinking about is facilitation. How can I ask better questions, get the group thinking, and steer them towards a specific outcome. This is something I am working on.

It was a great event. We even got to ski a run they just opened. The coverage was awesome until it wasn’t. I hit a rock on our third lap. But hey, that’s what P-tex is for, right?


Virtual Home-coming


PSIA-RM Ed. Staff Training