Virtual Home-coming

I was invited to do a training session for Smugglers’ Notch Snowsports University (SSU). When I attended the University of Vermont, I already had my PSIA Level 2 Alpine certification. Both Stowe and Smugglers’ Notch wanted me to work for them. My full time job was being a student and Smuggs was very accommodating to my college schedule.

I became a Weekend Wingnut. Gary Hopper was my supervisor and still works there. I taught in the adult program. This was a great challenge for me because I was a shy 18 year old, at the time and mainly taught kids.

For those of you who don’t know Smuggs, it has fixed double chairs and some of the best tree skiing I have ever skied. People like Neal Smith, John Williams, John Kurowski, Mickey Stone, Glenn Findholt, and countless others became like secondary father figures to me. This was incredibly important because I grew up skiing with my dad and when I was in college, I was on my own (skiing wise) and in life, too. Some of the best conversations I had were on those chairlifts. I can remember talking to Neal about life, in general. Neal worked (he is now retired) as a high school guidance counselor. Talk about building a connection with someone. A 20 minute lift ride might do that. It is a very captive audience. I can remember some conversations I didn’t want to end with friends like Neal. But then I remembered that I love skiing and off we went.

So many stories from my time at Smuggs. I can remember going to a party at Greg Fatigate’s house. They had a kicker built over a bonfire. I got a ride with a friend and didn’t want to bring full skis, so I brought snow blades. I remember hitting the jump and doing a 360 over the jump. I landed it and remember thinking this is a bad idea if I end up in the fire! It was so fun though.

I learned so much at Smuggs about others, about me, and about skiing. It felt so good to give back to a place that gave me a lot. Thank you, Greg Fatigate and the entire Smuggs team.


