PSIA-E Master’s Academy

This is always a great event. This year I had a unique group. I mean unique because I have skied with many groups and nothing against the other groups. This group was a true family. There was 11 of them and many of them have been skiing together in this event for more than 20 years. What struck me about this group is that they cared and loved one another like family.

Here is what I mean. When I had a presentation about a new PSIA-AASI resource that was happening after one of the ski days, they showed up. When we presented the highly coveted and deserving Master’s Award to one of our participants, Beth Limerick, they showed up. Being present or physically there is one thing. When I say that they showed up, I mean they really showed up to support each other. It was incredible to witness and be a part of. I look forward to forever being a part of this group, or now my new extended family with people from Sunday River, Maine and all the way down to Florida!


PSIA-C Mini Academy @ Perfect North Slopes


National Academy 2023